Produziert von auf Basis Seminarinhalten von 2018. Insgesamt wird es 35 Videos, die allmählich in drei Kapiteln online gestellt werden.
Die Gesamtplaylist von "From Artist to Artistic Researcher" ist unter dem folgenden Button erhältlich (wie gesagt: nur allmählich hochgeladen!):
Zu der ersten Runde von Ergebnisse des Post-Docs in künstlerischer Forschung an der HfMT-Hamburg habe ich einen Vortrag bei der Uraufführung meiner Klaviersonate am 20.06. um 19h30 in der Alfred Schnittke Akademie International im Rahmen des Altonale Festivals 2023 gehalten.
... Für mich ist die Kunsterfahrung der Ausgangspunkt der Erkenntnis. Es hilft mir künstlerisch, sehr präzise über technische Mittel nachzudenken und mich immer wieder zu fragen, wofür ich das genau mache und in welchem Kontext ich stehe ...
As presented in:
The AEC European Platform for Artistic Research in Music EPARM 2021
In three chapters, including essays, video material, handouts and an accompanying podcast, a foundation for an understanding of artistic research is laid, tailored especially to scholars in the Dr. Sc. Mus. program at the University of Music and Theatre, Hamburg but by no means limited to this group.
Click on the image to link to the course.
The dissertation Cross-genre composition: encoding characters in the chamber opera with semiotic elements derived from commercial music genres. was written between 2015 and 2018 as part of the Doctor scientiae musicae program of the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre. In December 2018 it was successfully defended and awarded summa cum laude (1,0).
It is published online by Wolke Verlag and was supported by the Opernstipendium of the Claussen-Simon-Stiftung, Hamburg, a part of Dissertation Plus.
Together with my colleagues Benjamin Helmer, Dr. Kostantina Orlandoutou and Prof. Dr. Georg Hajdu, I was on the organisation team of the ArtSearch Symposium on Artistic Research, 2020.
The complete video documentation can be found online.
Since 2018 - and since 2024 together with my colleague Dr. Benjamin Sprick - I run the seminars on artistic research at the University for Music and Theatre, Hamburg, as well as supervising some candidates for the dissertation program Dr. Sc. Mus.. Previously I ran a lecture series and some additional colloquiums, the latter of which is today being managed by Prof. Dr. Gordon Kampe.
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